Receive log entries from Stackdriver Logging by logging package

Posted: , Modified:   go Google Cloud Platform Stackdriver


I’ve introduced logadmin package to read log entries from Stackdriver Logging in Google Cloud Platform, but there is another package logging version 2 to provide read log entries functions.

Although the logging package is still in experimental stage, it seems to provide more functionality than logadmin package. This post introduces a basic usage of this logging package.

logging package (Ver.2)

The following sample code creates a logging client and retrieves log entries matching a filter in variable filter:

import (

	loggingpb ""

func GetLogEntries(ctx context.Context, filter string) (err error){

	client, err := logging.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	defer client.Close()

	iter := client.ListLogEntries(ctx, &loggingpb.ListLogEntriesRequest{
		ResourceNames: []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("projects/%v", "your-project-id"),
		Filter: filter,

	for {
		e, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
		} else if err != nil {
			return err

		// Use log entry `e`...


	return nil

Next, I’ll introduce differences between logadmin package in this scenario. While the client in logadmin package requires a project ID when it is created, the logging package’s client requests a project ID as a resource name. The resource name allows four types of resources including Google Cloud Platform’s projects; and from the document of loggingpb.ListLogEntriesRequest, the following formats are acceptable for resource names:

which means we can retrieve log entries not only associated with a project but also associated with an organization, a billing account, and a folder.

Another difference is iterators return LogEntry type log entries, and we can access text payloads via GetTextPayload and JSON payloads via GetJsonPayload, while iterators in logadmin package returns interface{} for any payloads.

However, GetJsonPayload returns a structpb.Struct type object and we still need to convert it to other structure which represents an actual log entry’s structure. For example, GCE_OPERATION_DONE event writes a log entry in the following structure:

type ActivityPayload struct {
    EventTimestampUs string `structpb:"event_timestamp_us"`
    EventType        string `structpb:"event_type"`
    TraceID          string `structpb:"trace_id"`
    Actor            struct {
        User string
    Resource struct {
        Zone string
        Type string
        ID   string
        Name string
    Version      string
    EventSubtype string `structpb:"event_subtype"`
    Operation    struct {
        Zone string
        Type string
        ID   string
        Name string

and we need to convert objects which GetJsonPayload returns and written in structpb.Struct to objects in the above ActivityPayload. My structpbconv package helps this conversion, and the following is a sample code:

import (

func NewActivityPayload(payload *structpb.Struct) (res *ActivityPayload) {
    res = new(ActivityPayload)
    structpbconv.Convert(payload, res)

Finally, the following is a sample to retrieve log entries of GCE_OPERATION_DONE events in Google Compute Engine by logging package:

import (

	loggingpb ""

func GetLogEntries(ctx context.Context) error{

	client, err := logging.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	defer client.Close()

	iter := client.ListLogEntries(ctx, &loggingpb.ListLogEntriesRequest{
		ResourceNames: []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("projects/%v", "your-project-id"),
		Filter: `jsonPayload.event_type = "GCE_OPERATION_DONE"`,

	for {

		e, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
			return nil
		} else if err != nil {
			return err

		payload := NewActivityPayload(e.GetJsonPayload())
		fmt.Println(payload.TraceID) // For example, print the trace ID.

